These modeling modes expose technical details that apply only to the target platform, plus provide an extra level of error checking to ensure that the exported model is correct for the target runtime. 这些建模模式公开仅应用于目标平台的技术详细信息,并提供额外级别的错误检查,以确保导出的模型适用于目标运行时。
In the second part of the listing, we added an extra space before the php opening tag, which also causes a fatal error. 在清单的第2部分中,我们在php打开标记的前面多加了一个空格,这样也导致一个致命错误。
Passing extra parameters ( not declared as incoming parameters on the called template) is an error in2.0, but BC mode will suppress the error. 在2.0中传递多余的参数(被调用模板中没有声明的输入参数)会导致错误,但BC模式会排除该错误。
If you want extra debugging help, you can choose to Show Warnings in the Error List window by clicking in the appropriate box. 如果你想获得更多的调试帮助,你可以选择错误列表窗口中的显示警告选项。
Objective: To improve the recognition of extra articular manifestations in rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) and reduce the misdiagnosis or error in treatment. 目的:提高对类风湿关节炎(RA)患者关节外表现的认识,减少误诊、误治。
The improved method can reduce the estimation variance by including an extra error weighting function ( EEWF), and the computation amount will be reduced with the base functions of denominator and numerator being chosen as identical series of orthogonal polynomials. 研究提出了通过引入误差权函数来降低估计方差,对分子和分母采用相同的正交多项式基函数来降低算法复杂性和运算量的一种新算法。
Based on this structure, a new fuzzy-neural-based method for belief measure is put forward, which can overcome the shortcoming of traditional approaches with lower belief degree under less extra space caused by larger grads error. 然后提出一种基于模糊神经网络的信任测度方法,它能克服传统方法存在的梯度误差大而导致信任有效性较低的缺陷,在占用较少空间的前提下较大地提高了信任度。
Due to polarization mixing when polarizing beam splitters ( PBS) are employed in 4-channel quadrature detector system the extra error increases in the measurement. 当使用偏振分光镜的四通道信号接收系统时,由于偏振混合现象,在信号接收的过程中会增加额外的误差。
Lists of low level amplifier and ways of elimination extra error source are given. 给出微弱信号放大器性能表和如何减少外来的干扰等误差源。
Conclusions: Extra articular manifestations of RA is very complicated, which is one of main causes of misdiagnosis or error in treatment. 结论:RA的关节外表现复杂多样,是RA误诊、误治的主要原因之一。
This article analysis the extra error resulting for the low-pressure calibrating and high-pressure operation of the flowmeter Through the use of pressure modification coefficient Cp, the meter can be modified qualitatively and some economic reward and social reward the been gained in the production site. 分析并验证了流量计因低压标定高压运行所产生的附加误差,通过引入压力修正系数Cp对仪表值进行定量修正,并在实际生产中取得一定的经济效益和社会效益。